Social Media Policy

Content will be created by the Sibley Public Library staff to assist in

fulfilling our mission to inspire life-long learning by promoting new resources and cultural awareness. Much of the content will relate to libraries, authors, books, and the book-publishing industry; and to programs, events, photos and/or images, or special topics that the Library is discussing or promoting.


The goals of the Sibley Public Library sponsored social networking sites are:


 To inform the public about library resources and activities

 To increase the public’s use of library resources

 To provide additional communication with members of the public


Publically posted information will be professional and reflect positively on the Sibley Public Library as well as the City ofSibley, its staff, volunteers, and services. Staff shall check facts, cite sources, present balanced views, acknowledge and correct errors, and check spelling and grammar when publishing any posts.


Comments and postings from the public are encouraged, but will be reviewed by Library

staff for content. Library staff reserves the right to delete comments or postings.

Comments or postings that fall within one of the following categories will be deleted by

the Library staff:


*Obscene, sexist, or racist content.

 *Harassing Library staff or other social media users. Harassing comments or

postings include profane or obscene statements or images, threatening physical

harm toward another person, and engaging in behavior with the sole intent of

annoying another person.

 *Libelous and slanderous statements.

 *Plagiarizing or posting copy-righted material without permission or authority.

 *Private, personal information of another person without appropriate consent or


 *Advertisement, solicitation, and spam.

 *A consent form must be completed by a parent/guardian prior to posting pictures of minors.


Designated staff members will regularly review the Library’s social media to check

postings and respond. Material that is deemed inappropriate based on the general

policy criteria will be handled via deletion of the material.


Adopted: July 2, 2013


Reviewed: Feb.7, 2023

Scheduled for Review: Jan. 2026